Kevin Juri and his wife welcomed Liam Patrick Juri on 2/21/22 at 6lbs 10oz and 19.25 inches long!! Congrats Kevin to you and your family!!
Sallie and Tony Chikas welcomed Lukas Dean Chikas on 6/12/22 at 5:57 pm. He is 7 lbs 12oz. Congrats to Sallie and her family!
Our fabulous Safety Coordinator, Susie Parrish took her (BCSP) Board Of Certified Safety Professionals (ASP) Associate Safety Professionals exam and passed with flying colors! In the safety world, this is a very big deal as the test contains questions about many facets of safety. As an Associate Safety Professional (ASP), Susie is now a safety practitioner who has proven knowledge of safety, health, and environmental (SH&E) fundamentals. As a valuable part of the safety team, please help congratulate Susie on this accomplishment!
Congratulations to Julia and Joe O’Bryan on their recent nuptials! We wish you both a long and happy marriage together.
Yindy Felkins was honored as a recipient of the Outstanding Mothers Award from the American Lung Association. Congratulations!
Congratulations Nicholas Johnson for buying a new house in San Leandro!
Congratulations Jeannette Funcke on your newest furbabies. She adopted two senior chihuahua dogs from Muttville of San Francisco. She adopted Trudy on 2/9/21 & Percy on 5/7/22.
Congratulations to the O’Connor family on welcoming their first child, Milo Alistar O’Connor to the world. He was born Tuesday, July 12th!
WAM Engineering got a new edition after Mario and his wife welcomed Gabriel Adam Carranza into the world. Gabriel was born on July 18, the same birthday as his Grandfather. After a long labor and a few scary days in the NICU, they’re home and everyone is doing well now.
Congratulations to the Fraumeni family on their new baby girl, Harper Nicole Fraumeni, born on 7/8/22.
Congratulations to Kevin Johnson and family on the new arrival of Brooks Michael Johnson who was born on 6/5/22.