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Why You Want to Work for Western Allied Mechanical

Article | September 4, 2024

Cost Effective and All Electric – that doesn’t exist, does it?

We know our California clients are motivated by a variety of business scenarios to move to sustainable energy for their HVAC infrastructure. They would like to move away from a furnace or natural gas boiler to something more efficient like a heat pump that can use electricity to heat and cool. California energy code (Title 24) is also moving away from the use of fossil fuels. On a local level, many municipalities have instituted reach codes that specifically address the use of fossil fuels.

What are the biggest obstacles that keep our clients from choosing an All-Electric Design (AED)? Capital construction costs, space constraints, reliability and energy costs are the largest concerns our clients face.

Our Western Allied Mechanical team of brilliant design engineers have been working on this exact issue and have developed exciting and innovative solutions. These solutions have been reviewed by external consultants and we have run capital, energy, and maintenance cost comparisons as well as energy models to properly verify our solutions work.

If you are ready to make the change to an All-Electric Building design and reap all the benefits, we can offer solutions that are cost competitive, more efficient, decreased water usage, and decreased maintenance cost. We can’t wait to meet with you and show you how.

Contact us: zrussi@westernallied.com



About Western Allied Mechanical

Western Allied Mechanical stands on the cutting edge of HVAC system design and operation. We combine innovative thinking and technologies with intricate engineering to create, build and maintain comfortable, energy-efficient environments.

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