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Article | April 17, 2024

Big Improvements with an Eye Towards the Environment

Western Allied Mechanical put intentional emphasis on being environmentally conscious during our remodel upgrades to the existing space. “Driven By Innovation” is one of our core values that drives us to adapt new ways to be environmentally friendly as we Engineer Better Environments for both our customers and ourselves! Enjoy these highlights of what we have accomplished together so far:

  • Roof-mounted Solar Array
    • From May 2023 through December of 2023, WAM has sent 176.82 Megawatt hours’ worth of electric energy back into the grid to do our part to help power Union City and the greater Bay Area.
    • Replaced our units from Gas Package Unit to more efficient Electric Heat Pump units

  • From May 2023 through December of 2023, WAM has sent 176.82 Megawatt hours’ worth of electric energy back into the grid to do our part to help power Union City and the greater Bay Area.
  • Replaced our units from Gas Package Unit to more efficient Electric Heat Pump units
  • Modified the existing roof to add four skylights throughout the front office space providing natural light and heat into the building to keep overall power usage down.
  • Added (5) Electric Vehicle (E.V.) charging stations to encourage employees to move towards non-fuel-burning vehicles and allow employees who own electric-hybrid vehicles to charge their car at the office on a daily basis.
    • There are plans for adding 15 more E.V. charging stations to our parking lot

  • Landscaping around the entire building uses drought-resistant plants to conserve water usage at our facility. Replacement or addition of new plants is done with native plants that support local ecosystems.
  • Recycling emphasis for ‘compostable’ items to reduce the overall waste going to local landfills by using compostable bags, Keurig cups, cutlery, and common break room items, while providing compost bins throughout the building.


  • Recycling materials from our jobsites is also important, we use Green Halo Systems for planning to reduce the overall waste going to local landfills.


  • Good health includes staying hydrated, so WAM has provided water bottle refilling stations throughout the facility and gives employees reusable water bottles which has drastically cut down on the use of single-use water bottles. The sparkling water system with flavors was provided for variety and to reduce consumption of sugary drinks. As of the writing of this article – the combined refilling stations have an overall total of 29,122 plastic water bottles saved, with that number increasing day-by-day.

  • Reducing paper usage in meetings by adding screens in all conference rooms and screens throughout the facility for announcements and notifications in lieu of paper handouts, fliers, and invites.


About Western Allied Mechanical

Western Allied Mechanical stands on the cutting edge of HVAC system design and operation. We combine innovative thinking and technologies with intricate engineering to create, build and maintain comfortable, energy-efficient environments.

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